Snap by one of my kids, painting a watercolor at Medvejie Lake near Sitka.
About Rebecca Poulson
I grew up in Sitka, Alaska, a town of fewer than 9,000 people on the outer coast of the southeastern Alaskan archipelago. For about ten years I worked as a shipwright repairing wooden fishing boats, went to boatbuilding school in England for a year, and cofounded the Sitka Shipwrights Cooperative. I also worked as a deckhand on trollers and long liners.
I learned wood engraving from Dale DeArmond, and in 2000 I received an MFA in printmaking at Tyler School of Art, in Philadelphia.
I’m working on new art and putting in a lot of time with the Sitka Maritime Heritage Society to restore a WWII boat shop as a maritime museum and working boat shop. That website is www.sitkamaritime.org
And, getting way into the history of our little town. I have a blog at www.sitkaartblog.wordpress.com. I am currently working on a book about Sheldon Jackson School and College, supported by a 2014 Rasmuson Foundation Individual Artist Award. Over the past few years Alice Smith and I have interviewed many former students and staff from this complicated institution, and we are working on getting those out into the world. We just launched www.sjvoices.org. Check it out!
I also have a husband, a girl, and a boy.